Saturday, August 13, 2011

Laughter Therapy

 Why LAUGH ?
Healthy, non-ridiculing and connecting laughter provides physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits you probably never realized or imagined.We are born with the gift of laughter -it's being serious that we learn.
So, learn to laugh, and live, all over again.


Laughter Therapy

MANILA, Philippines - If Carlos 'Caloy' Atayde had his way, clowning around would be part of every doctor's prescription. Citing medical reports, he points out that hearty laughter burns calories faster than traditional aerobic activities like biking, while improving blood circulation and promoting a more restful sleep.

But then again, Atayde has always been in the business of making people happy. An animated stage performer at De La Salle College in the sixties, his high school classmates recall his boundless creative energy and unflagging optimism.

"Maybe it's in the genes," he says of his obsession to entertain people and make them laugh. "My father was an entertainer before he joined the army. He used to be a stage actor, tap dancer and pianist. I had a great time singing along with him and talking about the shows that we watched."

Those genes are still at work today, helping Atayde conduct what he calls 'happyshops,' workshops meant to bring out the inner clown in people to make them more effective and inspiring as communicators and workers... Philippine Daily Inquirer

Documentary on Laughter

Part I

Part 2

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